View featured testimonials below. Create your own testimonial on the Create Your Testimonial page, or check out our Video Testimonial Gallery.

Valarie Kaur:

My name is Valarie, and I’m part of the Sikh community. As a faith-rooted organizer, I use the Internet to help communities tell stories and organize for social change.. For example, we are combating hate crimes against Sikh, Muslim, and other Americans using online petitions, films, and social media. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Valarie Kaur
Los Angeles, CA

Sara Fitzgerald:

My name is Sara, and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a clerk of local church, I use the Internet to help people find the kind of progressive Christian community we aspire to be. For example, videos of our services and sermons are accessible to potential visitors and traveling members alike. They also help us to remain connected to the Church of the Redeemer, our global partner congregation in Palestine. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Sara Fitzgerald
Falls Church, VA

Loretta Richardson:

My name is Loretta, and I’m part of the the United Church of Christ faith community community. As a I am the Chair of the Social Justice Ministry of t, I use the Internet to I use the internet to communicate with the members of the Ministry and with organizations and communities that share our beliefs and goals. For example, We have strategies that we are implementing this year about public eduation, racial diversity, economic and environmental health. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Loretta Richardson
Baltimore Maryland

Boyd Juanita:

My name is Boyd, and I’m part of the Internet community. As a Grandma, I use the Internet to connect with my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. We share internet videos and all enjoy sharing our favorite movies on Netflix.. For example, we spend hours chatting online, sharing pictures and video, and discussing our favorite online movies and tv shows without worrying that internet providers will limit what we can and can’t do, or can and can’t watch, or share altogether.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Boyd Juanita
Ontario, CA

David Gladson:

My name is David, and I’m part of the First Baptist Church of Pendleton community. As a Chaplain and Counselor, I use the Internet to help my patients and clients face the end of their lives with meaning and purpose and grieve the losses inherent to life. I help them find practical, effective ways to change their lives and get healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.. For example, I improve my own skills and understanding through blog reading, post life-changing information through social media and blogging, and show others how to have civil conversations about topics that are dividing us.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

David Gladson
Pendleton, SC

John Gantt:

My name is John, and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a clergy, I use the Internet to recruit volunteers to engage in long term recovery efforts in disaster stricken communities in our region.. For example, by using the internet we are able to spread the word about locations,costs, local arrangements, and encourage participation. In this way we help others who have few resources of their own to create safe, secure and sanitary living conditions.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

John Gantt

Antonio Rodriguez:

My name is Antonio, and I’m part of the UCC community. As a high school teacher, I use the Internet to to do many of my assignments. An open internet is essential in my education. With an open internet I am able to recieve a diverse set of resources. An open internet also informs me of social issues around the nation.. For example, an open internet has allowed me to hear different voices on President Obama’s immigration plan.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Antonio Rodriguez
Washington DC

Kathy Partridge:

My name is Kathy, and I’m part of the Unitarian Universalist community. As a lay leader in my congregation, I use the Internet to reach our congregation and broader community, to live out the mission of the Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship bringing love and reason to life, to build a just and compassionate world.. For example, we uploaded videos of our minister Rev. Lydia Ferrante Roseberry expressing support for marriage equality and to encourage people to vote. A “slow lane” would keep people from viewing these. A “slow lane” would keep people from viewing these.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Kathy Partridge
Lafayette, CO

Joyce Dubensky:

My name is Joyce, and I’m part of the a secular organization that battles religious prej community. As a CEO,, I use the Internet to show the power of allies in the communities facing hatred because of their beliefs, including Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Evangelical Christians, Ba’hais and too many more.. For example, We use the internet to speak for, and with, those who are too often ignored and to promote peace through collective statements and true stories of our religiously motivated Peacemakers in Action – men and women seeking peace in places like Iraq, Syria, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Colombia and more…. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Joyce Dubensky
New York, NY

Cheryl Leanza:

My name is Cheryl , and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a media justice activist, I use the Internet to share footage of the annual Parker Lecture. Each year the United Church of Christ’s media justice ministry, OC Inc., holds the Parker Lecture–the only lecture in the country to consider ethics, values and communications issues. We share the video far and wide.. For example, a few years ago, we wanted to share the lecture with a group of faith communicators meeting in a distant city. We were able to live stream it to their location and take questions from them. . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Cheryl Leanza
Washington DC

Jim Antal:

My name is Jim, and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a Denominational leader of my state, I use the Internet to connect with people all over the world who are courageously championing God’s justice and exemplifying reconciliation amidst unprecedented challenge. For example, I learn from and testify to other opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Jim Antal

Earl Williams :

My name is Earl, and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a Chair, OC Inc., I use the Internet to Conduct business Social contact To inform and be informed Assist others new to the internet connection. For example, Provide the opportunity to those older members of the community the opportunity to reach others. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Earl Williams
Shaker Heights OH

Emily Baxter:

My name is Emily, and I’m part of the Episcopalian community. As a religious, feminist organizer, I use the Internet to share stories about faith communities and to raise awareness of progressive faith movements. For example, I have blogged about diverse subjects ranging from faith movements for reproductive justice to the political activism of American Catholic nuns. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Emily Baxter
Washington, DC

Helms Jarrell:

My name is Helms, and I’m part of the QC Family Tree community. As a member/ clergy, I use the Internet to run our #MyStoryMattersProject, which features the dreams and artwork of youth in our neighborhood. For example, We recently asked our youth to create portraits, poems and life circles in response to the challenges arising from Ferguson. We were able to share the art, feature the beauty and humanity within the young people we work with, and provide an opportunity for them to hear affirming comments and connect locally and around the country. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Helms Jarrell
Charlotte, NC

Aaron Stauffer :

My name is Aaron, and I’m part of the Christian community. As a executive director of Religions for Peace USA, I use the Internet to build communities, break our isolation and bring people together. For example, the internet is crucial to our interfaith peacebuilding work. Take our national campaign to fight Islamophobia. Sharing the stories of Christians and Muslims and Jews and Baha’i and Hindu and people of all faith, in text and video, would simply fail through any other avenue. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Aaron Stauffer
New York, NY

Sam Lovett :

My name is Sam, and I’m part of the Christian community. As a theology graduate student, I use the Internet to access and participate in an exchange of ideas about faith, being, and community in our world. For example, the internet creates dynamic learning and allows academic study to integrate with and impact the world at large . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Sam Lovett
Boston, MA

Mary Byron :

My name is Mary , and I’m part of the Unitarian Universalist community. As a concerned and engaged citizen, I use the Internet to follow current events and issues in the multi-faith movement for social justice, find events to meet with other engaged citizens, sign petitions and contact my elected representatives. For example, the internet was the great organizing platform for the successful climate march in NYC in September where over 400,000 people gathered to have the voices heard. It couldn’t have happened without a free and open internet. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Mary Byron
Ridgewood, NJ

Diana Madoshi:

My name is Diana, and I’m part of the Christian community. As a Ms., I use the Internet to Research for articles for our senior newsletter and prayer list that is sent via email. I monitor my bank account and pay bills. For example, It allows me to keep in touch with church member sto do our work together or visit with shut-ins. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Diana Madoshi

Kyle de Beausset :

My name is Kyle, and I’m part of the Catholic community. As a layperson, I use the Internet to try and make the world a better place.. For example, I care very deeply about immigrant communities. I believe people with the drive to make a home in a new country help to make this country, their home countries, and ultimately the world a better place. I use the Internet to try and do my small part to supporting immigrant communities and “welcome the stranger” among us. . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Kyle de Beausset
Grosse Ile, MI

Bernd Weishaupt:

My name is Bernd , and I’m part of the United Church of Christ community. As a Reverend, I use the Internet to Research sermons, communicate with friends, family, co-workers, parishioners and merchants. I also use it for recreation and down time surfing, inspiration and new ideas. Often is use it for shopping.. For example, buying candles for the church, clothes and household items for myself and my wife…and many many other uses.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Bernd Weishaupt
Blairstown, NJ

Holly Roach:

My name is Holly, and I’m part of the Transform Network community. As a Faith-rooted organizer, I use the Internet to I use the internet to spread awareness and organize communities to take collective action for a better world. . For example, we are using online organizing tools to build bridges between diverse communities in the progressive Christian church to build toward a more unified and engaged broad based movement for justice. . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Holly Roach
Gastonia, NC

Beth Troyer :

My name is Beth, and I’m part of the Christian Left believers community. As a faith based reader, I use the Internet to stay in touch with other Christians who share like minded beliefs.. For example, Due to health issues I can no longer attend a brick and mortar church. I rely on an open internet in order to stay informed and in touch with issues near and dear to me. If we didn’t have an open internet my connection would not be possible.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Beth Troyer
Sheboygan, WI

Duncan Hollums:

My name is Duncan, and I’m part of the The United Methodist Church community. As a As an Elder/Pastor, I use the Internet to I use the internet for finding the needs of my community and to allow my church members to develop relationships with my community. The Internet is invaluable to allow our ways of living and healing our community! . For example, For Example, we offer a food pantry out of our church, and the Internet provides us a way of finding out more about our community and then we connect with those in need through the Internet as well as other community support groups to not only focus on the needs to build long lasting relationships with those in our community to meet different needs as they may evolve.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Duncan Hollums
Rio Rancho, NM

Michael Hardin:

My name is Michael, and I’m part of the Christian community. As a Writer and Speaker, I use the Internet to Communicate the importance of peacemaking and to show how violence in religion and culture can be countered by learning to follow the Prince of Peace.. For example, I teach nonviolence and nonviolent methods of social engagement. This would not be possible without an open Internet. Some countries would censor my work. I urge you to support President Obama’s plan for an open Internet and adopt Title II.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Michael Hardin
Lancaster, PA

Helen Williams:

My name is Helen, and i’m part of the protestant community. As a senior citizen, i use the internet to update my awareness of the actions taken by and on behalf of people and issues that demand compassionate attention. This enables me to better determine my future course of action.. For example, i urge you to support the president’s plan to keep the internet free and open.. This would not be possible without an open internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the president’s plan and adopt title ii to keep the internet free and open for our work in the world.

Helen Williams
New Carrollton, MD

Loretta Richardson:

My name is Loretta, and I’m part of the the United Church of Christ faith community community. As a I am the Chair of the Social Justice Ministry of t, I use the Internet to I use the internet to communicate with the members of the Ministry and with organizations and communities that share our beliefs and goals. For example, We have strategies that we are implementing this year about public eduation, racial diversity, economic and environmental health. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Loretta Richardson
Baltimore Maryland

Boyd Juanita:

My name is Boyd, and I’m part of the Internet community. As a Grandma, I use the Internet to connect with my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. We share internet videos and all enjoy sharing our favorite movies on Netflix.. For example, we spend hours chatting online, sharing pictures and video, and discussing our favorite online movies and tv shows without worrying that internet providers will limit what we can and can’t do, or can and can’t watch, or share altogether.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Boyd Juanita
Ontario, CAM

David Gladson:

My name is David, and I’m part of the First Baptist Church of Pendleton community. As a Chaplain and Counselor, I use the Internet to help my patients and clients face the end of their lives with meaning and purpose and grieve the losses inherent to life. I help them find practical, effective ways to change their lives and get healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.. For example, I improve my own skills and understanding through blog reading, post life-changing information through social media and blogging, and show others how to have civil conversations about topics that are dividing us.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

David Gladson
Pendleton, SC

Myriam Pierre:

My name is Myriam, and I’m part of the Catholic community. As a believer in God, I use the Internet to help people be informed about natural health nutrition and also to help empower people to find ways to supplement their income online,. For example, Most of the world would not know that Monsanto is the driving force behind foods with GMOs.Also if the internet were not free and open billions more people would be devasted financially.Please adopt Title II.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Myriam Pierre
Jamaica, New York

Jason Winton:

My name is Jason , and I’m part of the I am part of the Christian community. community. As a As a faith-rooted educator and cross-cultural coun, I use the Internet to I use the internet to publish materials used in workshops and to develop media to organize future events.. For example, For example, a recent workshop included curriculum for participants that is available for free online. Plus, I prepared a video blog about the work we do in Lima, Peru in order to invite others to participate. . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Jason Winton
Chico, CA

Lisa Holloway:

My name is Lisa, and I’m part of the Circle Fellowship Church community. As a Pastor, I use the Internet to I use the internet on a daily basis to help my faith community understand the biblical foundations of loving God and neighbor through very real issue of the day. For example, For example our congregation prayers weekly for world needs. We could not do this with out open access. My sermon preparation and liturgy is tied to the hundred of other out there developing creative and relevant worship services. We could not do this without free access. We have various ministries the come alongside suffering people like incarcerated women. We could not do this with out free access. I too urge you to adopt Title II to keep the internet free and open for all of us. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Lisa Holloway
Crofton MD

Drew Downs:

My name is Drew, and I’m part of the St. Stephen’s Episcopal community. As a priest, I use the Internet to teach about faith, preach the love of Christ, and give people an open partner to test out faith questions.. For example, I have entered into conversations with people who had no one else to turn to, helping them figure out where they can go for a more honest faith community than they can find on their own.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Drew Downs
Terre Haute, IN

Paul Stark:

My name is Paul , and I’m part of the university community. As a Chaplain, I use the Internet to research, connect with students, faculty, staff and alumni. And, the internet is a key to education and advocacy. . For example, . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Paul Stark
Tiffin, OH

Charlotte Simpson:

My name is Charlotte , and I’m part of the UCC community. As a member, I use the Internet to search, pay bills, email, and play a game or two. I am against net neutrality because it will hinder innovation. I don’t want to go back to the days of the telecom companies that didn’t offer any improvements for years. . For example, . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Charlotte Simpson
Boston, MA

Brent Wood:

My name is Brent, and I’m part of the I am part of the UCC community community. As a member, I use the Internet to I use the internet to do everything, and I urge you to do nothing. The internet is the essence of the free market and everyone has access. There is nothing government can do to make it better, only make it worse and less free. This action is either to gain power or tax it, or both. I urge you to take no action.. For example, . This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Brent Wood
McLeansboro, IL

Lorrie Hall:

My name is Lorrie, and I’m part of the UCC community. As a I want to keep the internet free to all, I use the Internet to communicate with others all the time.. For example, I do not want the rich to get quicker service than the rest of us. Please keep “net neutrality.” That will help maintain our democracy.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Lorrie Hall
Duxbury, MA

Sandy Kerlin:

My name is Sandy, and I’m part of the United Church of Christ, Bellevue, KY community. As a church leadership council member, I use the Internet to connect to a wide variety of people within and outside my church organization. For example, we welcome those who are not welcome in other faith communities and comfort and encourage those who need a kind and helping conncection. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Sandy Kerlin
Covington, KY

Sarah Roley :

My name is Sarah , and I’m part of the I am part of the UCC COMMUNITY & other non-profit g community. As a As a Christian beyond 70 yrs of age,, I use the Internet to I use the internet to connect with family including my Grandchildren & my nieces & nephews throughout the USA & world. The internet helps me to do volunteer work to help folks with chemical sensitivities & mental health issues as a service to my community since my retirement as RN. . For example, Living on a fixed income, I do not have a TV that works, & do not have cable, so I use internet to watch programs from pbs & abc, etc. Do not cut me off from the few pleasures left in my life! NPR is my only other source of current events. Net neutrality is an issue of social justice and fairness for all folks. Please make us proud of your vote.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Sarah Roley
Carlisle, PA

Kathy Mizgalski:

My name is Kathy, and I’m part of the Congregational United Church of Christ community. As a member, I use the Internet to Everything!! Research local issues and sites, global issues, listen to NPR, watch youtube, watch videos, arrange travel plans, etc, etc. . For example, It is the encyclopedia, yellow pages, address book, current events documentary, education, travel agent and more of yesteryear….don’t limit this to tiers. We need knowledge to be a free and educated society.. This would not be possible without an open Internet. There are thousands of stories like mine. I urge you to support the President’s plan and adopt Title II to keep the Internet free and open for our work in the world.

Kathy Mizgalski
St. Charles, IL

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